Jangan menghukum diri kerana kesalahan insan lain..
This week is the tuffest in mylife..try to fixs things to be better...4 me n 4 other people who i loves..i dont know..i try to make they see the reason y i choose that path..y i have to be cruel to be kind..y always takes other need 1st..y i become like this..they can't see it..this week i feel like totaly drain..helpless..my energy gone like a wind..my brain is stuck with all this problem..i struggle to solve this things..struggle to hard to make everybody get wat their want..then i loose everything..like playing poker..every move we make..is high stake..i could loose everthing..but i'll take the chance..i have to make a decision if not i will make some1 life miserable n painfull..i try not to make mistake here..but the damage already done!
This week, part of my body is being slash every part..i dont know it anymore..soo tired, longlai n lenguh everywhere..aku pon rase cam dh tk leh nk jalan lagi..lemah segala2!..entahlah, sejak this prob timbul smalam..keadaan aku semakin lemah la..lemah nk buat pe2 pon..tk de mood..nk buat keje kt opis pon dh naik menyampah..start ari jumaat-selasa aku terpaksa uruskan hal2 peribadi..hal parent, younger sister, best frend, tunaikan janji..gi sana..gi sini..dlm mase 5 ari..no time for me to rest..semua kene kejo n finish it b4 ari selasa..arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Binggung aku cam nie...nasib baik mlm td dh mabuk n teman kan cik kuntum minum kt pre 16..relaks la skit..pastu tuh pening blk..rase cam nk telan sepapan je uphamol-senang nk tido..tk yah pk2 dah..tp otak ni masih waras lg nie..byk t/jawab menunggu kt dpn tuh..byk org yg aku perlu puaskan ati n tolong..letihla cam nie!
mana nk pk masalah aku yg dh berlambak nie..mana nk pk masalah parent lagi..mana nk pk masalah opis lagi-nasib baik kengkawan masih ade di sisi beri sokongan..kalu tk, dh lama aku lemas!
emmm...maaf kepada sesiapa yg telah aku lukai-jgn hukum diri anda kerana kesalahan yg aku lakukan..
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