January 20, 2009

Stupid Fu***ing Rich Housewife#$%@&*%
  • fuhhh...alhamdulillah sib baikx xcident with toyota inova smlm..metalic gold color..rich wife new driver licence..mmg suwey ler kalu haku langgor kete dia smlm, bodoh!

  • bkn nk kate ape, years haku drive kete nie selalu meme spesis isteri2 org kaya especially housewife..ppuan cina pon sama je...bwk kete beso n mewah tp bodo nk mampos..mentang2 laki hang kaya raya, sapa2 kt jln smua hang nk langgor cam le drive kete kebal..org miskin cam haku nie berhati2 bwk kete, takot langgor kete org, x de duit nk byr tp korang senang2 langor divider..then tekan break suka2 ati..belok suka2 ati..signal x bagi..berlagak giler...bini jutawan le katakan..(full of hatred) bile kene langgor,nangis2 tepon laki kate dia x salah, b***shit la samdol!
  • dis inova dr 1st haku tgk dh lelong2 bwk kete..jap g kiri..jap g kanan..sebnornya haku dh suspek arrr..meme jenis yg atas tuh..tp haku cool je lah..janji dia x langgor kete haku kan? then time corner kt 1st traffic lite tu dia dh mkn jln haku..so, atas dasar prihatin..haku pon ketepilah..dia bwk kete besor kan..x cukup 2 jln huhuhu..then 2nd trafifc lite dia dh mkn divider..tayar yg blah kanan smua atas divider tp maklumlah kete mahal,kacang je turun blk..
  • ati haku dh x sedap time tuh..so agak berjaga2 lah kan..then 1 wira kt dpn inova tu kasi signal nk belok kanan..korang tau pe ppuan kaya ni buat?? dia overtake kiri..no signal tau..then bila sedar ade kete kt line sblh..cepat2 dia msk blk line haku..wit instic haku break n corner lipat ke jln sblh kanan tuh..ya ampun, sib baik x de kete dr arah bertentangan! kalu idok, melayang le nyawa haku beb..iye arr sno dh jd TEBIAT kan, haku tekan le honk sampai nk matinya..x henti2...
  • punya la mengigil..luruh jantung..x tau nk ckp arr..masa nk paking tu, haku numb jap..body cant function..statik for 10 minute..terbayang muka lokong sambil perli "cakap je, xcident kt maner nie..toksah tipu2"...

January 19, 2009

Puspanita UPE 2008/2009

mak aihhh..tawaduk smu ppuan2 Orange nie, kaver cun..

ppuan2 gedik kt KKA,cam garfield pon ado...

2 org ni minah potograper x bergaji..tu yg songeh lebey huhuhu!

January 15, 2009

  1. It just A Start
  • take a new approch to my "problem".
  • try to solve.
  • money gone.
  • crossing finger, 'it' will hapen in this year.
  • fat war.
  • new resolution.
  • been bite by Baby Qiss, ouchhh....
  • p/s: 'Popiah Ghost' wandering around, beware!

January 14, 2009

My Love 4 you
  • dis week, time running slowly..lmbt benor nk next week heheheh (gaji arr, pe lg?) my life biasa2 je skang nie..making babies? in da process arr..tp kadang2 cam dh content gan live yg haku ada..still ade xtvt wit lokong, sibling,fren n parent..skang emo haku dh bole lah tahan sket..kalu idok, tgk preg women je rasa cam nk tembak2..hehehheheh..skang nie pon dok pjm baby Qiss kt mama dia..wekend je, haku 'colik' jap..saje nk wat uli2..then maybe da 'aura' will come to me kan?
  • nearly 4 yrs we been together..pejam celik..pejam celik, ade je kt sblh bila wake up in da monin kan..gado2 pon selalu jek..dia pujuk haku..haku pujuk dia..give n take..skang ni pon bole sabar..kalu idok, baran je memanjang..elok gak tu, berubah menjadi couple yg lebey baik..plan nk g coti2 mesia nie tp blum konfirm lg..sb kene kira la bajet (haku kan kedekut). lokong on je..dia mmg suka travel2 nie ha..haku suka dok umah, masak..mkn..tp dia ikot time..bile dh betoi2 free baru le layan haku nie g jalan2..kalu idok, keje..keje..keje..keje..tp x kaya2 gak muahahhah
  • 'syg, bkn kita nk kaya tp nak SENANG je. kaya x mo, nnt lupa daratan'-moto lokong.
  • maksud lokong, cukup makan pakai,pelajaran anak2 n simpanan. x de lah mintak2 kt orang kan..
  • sno dh sambung study...haku? otak dh B.E.K.U. freezeeeeeee..takat kira congak2 tu bole arr..tp nk sambung? x sanggup..lokong soh gak sambung tp haku M.A.L.A.S hehehhe, buat kak sno tu semoga beroleh kejayaan ye..
"rajin adik rajin, rajin le belajar..bila besar nnt bole tunjuk ajar..ayah serta ibu gumbira selalu, melihat adikku rajin baca buku"
p/s: teruja tgk Cik F nye tmpt bli buku, heaven siotttt...sno, bile nk g?

January 12, 2009

Cuba of X cuba??
emmm..salam smua,
akhirnya toke tanah tu dh hupdate dia nye blog..sawang banyak maa..kiri ade..kanan pon ade..bwh pon ade..dlm pon ade..mane2 smua ade hehehheh..samalah gan sno kodoks tuh hah, kembar siam kot dorang tu huhuhu..
ade meting sat td..(amboit cam KSN pulak, siap ade meting2) tak aihh..bincang psl jogathon n futsal UPE ni sok..14hb Feb..mak aih, valentine day..bagi yg sambot arr..sprt biasa, haku dok jaga matanan (makanan)..meme muke mek ni toke restore nyah? asek dok tempahe makane jo keje nye..lupe la mek, dh tuboh nie cam gebu2 tentulah ore wat ajk matane ke..ke..
p/s: rasa2 cam mek nk berchoti2 di Genting arr..tp x tau ar lg,ade cadangan?

January 09, 2009

What Jew want, part 3:
" Larry, I wish I got comments like yours in my flickr every single day.

The only comment I would make to what you have written is this: You say "what is true is that you have two peoples both laying claim to the same piece of land. And in the present context I don't see any resolution."

There is a very fundamental difference here though. Palestinians are not laying claim to Israel, and have not for decades. The Palestinian leadership has formally recognized Israel since 1988. Even Hamas is no longer so fixated on the removal of Israel. In terms of territory, all the Palestinians ask is the land which was occupied in 1967 - the West Bank (which includes illegally-annexed East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.

That's it. They are requesting nothing more than the right to live in peace in less than 20% of what was once - just a generation ago - their own country.It is important to remember that the Israelis, despite all their hogwash about an existential threat, are not fighting for the existence of ISRAEL. They are fighting for the annexation and ethnic cleansing of lands outside of Israel that were seized in 1967. They already have a country - Israel - which is five times larger than the piece of land the Palestinians are demanding. While it is true that both Israel and the Palestinians CLAIM a right to the West Bank and Gaza, it is not true that both Israel and the Palestinians claim a right to Israel.

This is a fundamental difference which is often mystified. I think it is urgent to recall that we are talking about two radically different KINDS of claims.The current Israeli claim is effectively of a right to ethnic expansionism, not unlike the kind exercised here in North America over the last 200 years, or the kind exercised by Hitler in Eastern Europe under the rubric of "lebensraum". The current Palestinian claim is nothing so tendentious or abstract. It is simply a claim to the right to continue to live on the same land their parents, and great great grandparents have lived on, going back 50 generations and more.

The current Israeli claim is effectively of a right to annull another culture. The current Palestinian claim - which surrenders claim to 80% of their own rightful land - is a radical concession towards peace.This is one reason why every country in the entire world, without exception, has endorsed the Palestinian claim.

The other reason every country endorses it is that the Israeli claim is overwhelmingly criminal within international and humanitarian law, while the Palestinian claim is quite modest, reasonable, generous, and consist of nothing more than a just demand for their full legal rights within the law. "

p/s: i get this frm the net...

January 06, 2009

-1 of da kronies dh stat blajar..chyaooork!
- 'mak langau' kembali menganggu kehidupan haku..taik sungguh arrr. ini semua si Yatizam punya pasal..jaga sgt hati kawan tp haku pulak yg merana jiwa..giler. 'mak langau' tu siap anto sms x henti2 dok kutuk haku last2 haku akhiri dgn ucapan dibwh, ambek ko..
" pehal ko nie? suka men ayat2 cemtu? ko mmg suka kata aku mcm2 tp aku tetap kwn dgn ko..memang dunia ini bulat tp aku doakan yang terbaik utk kwn2 aku,"
akhirnya haku setuju dgn Yatizam, nick name yg ko kasi tu Yatt..memang sesuweeiiiii nyah!
- kurang kan kontraversi, tingkat kan motivasi (aikk..cam penah dgr je moto nie? heheheh )
- kurang kan berat badan yg dh cam badak air + singa laut = killer whale duhhh...
- kurang kan 'mengulur' kt opis...
- kumpul duit byk2 utk masa depan...
- berdoa semoga dikurniakan 'reseki' taun nie, ameen.
p/s: Cik F, semoga beroleh kebahagian donia n akhirat-hepi besday bebeh...