December 24, 2008
December 17, 2008
December 03, 2008
i love red sooo much that everytime i see something/someone who has red color on heart melted like wall ice cream muahahahha!
lastweek teman Oya g cuci kete, then upe2nya toke car wash tu bukak nursery..paaaannnndai nye..tentulah kaum ppuan/isteri *** suka teman kan boifren/somi memasing g cuci kete kt sinun sb dorang pon bole 'cuci mate' n borong sakan munge2 chinta nie huhuhu...
for me..i like only munge yg x perlu siram selalu..kira2 cam jenis keladi utan arr..utk hias dlm umah sbnya haku nie PEMALAS. kalu gitu, bukan pokok munge lah kan tp pokok lanskap hahahahha...
p/s: kak ena kodoks, hang jgn bwk abe tau area tuh...pegi gan kaum ppuan je cam haku nie!
kalu idok, 1 daun pon hang x dpt beli kuikuikuikuikui..
December 01, 2008
cantik x pemandangannya?
8.45 pm K.Perlis-Pahang
byk gak brg si Adam nie, siap gan pc skali..monitor, penuh kete itupun haku x kasi dia bwk blk baldi..sedekah je lah kt org len, kang lendut pulok exsober WNQ huhuhu..siap smua kmi pon bertolak blk ke phg...tetiba WNQ wat hal pulok.x bole tuko clutch. jln jauh sgt kot? kekdg dia ok...kdg x ok.riso gak le haku tau! kt tapah lokong change drive with Adam. haku? TIDO arrr pe lg. dlm ati tuh sempat lg doa supaya WNQ jgn wat hal kt tmpt org nie..yolah, haku mane ade sedara mara kt perak nun. kang parah pulok, tersadai kt tepi highway huhuh..
3.00 am BPH Petrol Stesen
after tol gombak tuh, WNQ dh x larat so break-down. dgn letey n ngantuknye..mcm2 cara kami guna tp WNQ x mo jln gak, mogok. yolah nearly 1000 km kan? call le MTD for help tp dia pon x bole wat pe2..kene ontow katenya. sembelih leher le kalu memalm nie..terbang le 3-4 ratus kan?
alhamdulillah, mck haku tingai kt tmn seri sian dorang, pepagi bute tuh tulun kami. tp Ayahchik tetap x bole wat pe2 sb x de peralatan. then we left WNQ alone, bimbang gak so kami letak dpn BPH petrol pump. bio atenden tu npmk kan? siap pesan soh tgk2 kan hahahha..
23/11 11.00 am Tmn Sri Gombak
sib baik Ayahcik ade pomen kt area umah tuh, si Rajan. dia arr yg baik ati tulung betoikan..sib baik x anto bengkel kalu idok mau kene RM400++ ni siap bli brg RM50 je, jimat kan? thanks to my untie coz helping us to get tru dis difficulty heheheh..
1.00 pm Karak-Temerloh
dgn pantas kami bergerak pulang ke Pahang..bkn ape, nk kejo kenduri si YAti tuh hah..kang majuk pulok minah tuh..Mck pon ikot sama sb customer dia nk kawen kan? sampai2 je temerloh, cepat2 siap..gosok bj..mekap ala kadar then terus pegi..sampai je dlm kol 4.00 pm..tetamu smua dh blk, tingai penangah je..x kisah, janji g jugak kenduri tuh. buat yati n suami semoga bahagia ke anak cucu, amin.
5.30 pm Temerloh-PTJ
bertolak blk PTJ..then drop mck kt seri gombk..teruskan perjalan ke rumah sendiri. haku sgt rindu pd katil n bantal huhuhu...tulah kot perasaan org tua-tua bile tingai umah lelama.
p/s: alhamulillah, syukur pd Allah kerana perjalanan kami selamat even WNQ mogok huhuhu...
November 21, 2008
November 20, 2008
November 17, 2008
arini sprt dlm blog kak ena kodoks tuh, kami miscom..kodok toi arr hahahahah..mau x marah mck tuh, dia dh siap tunggu haku kt umah sampah..haku pulok dok tunggu dia kt bus kess? hahahahah...monday joke's on us!
takziah..1 of EPU officer meninggal sabtu lepas..cik F, puan serifah habibah tau..lunch nie ade bacaan yassin n tahlil utk arwah. masih ternampak2 puan serifah tu dok carik duit nk byr kuih raya haku bln lps..huhuhu..then puspanita EPU nie sape pulok yg akan uruskan?
ptj - perlis - pahang - ptj (beribu riban KM)
my journey diswek..uweekkk, muntah la haku dlm kete tu nnt..terkejar2..smua tempat nk pegi..dah le senin tu, kami peksa PTK..kt KL pulok..kejong le urat mata haku nie..kang kak ena kodok dok tadah biji mata haku yg entah le..ingat nk start arini tp x de mood week after PTK tu ingat nk mintak cuti 2 ari..lgpon bos dh sambung kursus so, no hal lah kan? tp sian kat lokong lah..cuti dia dh abeh..tentu dia letey..memang arr kitaorg gilir2 drive tp at least haku bole cuti after that..nmpknye haku kene upah massage 1 body lah kat lokong..hep-hep hep..jgn wat spekulasi ye chikminie hahahahhah!
diam x diam lg sebulan nk enter new yr..cehhh, still haku blum ade 'waris' len dh berderet2 gerabak ketapi dorang..x lama lg Yati pulok potong line haku..putus sahabat le ye Yati until anak ko setahun sok..haku nk dok diam2 dlm umah tuh..wat cam haku x de je ye..ehehehhe..korang kasi salam, haku jwb ler dlm ati..takot berdosa pulok kuang 3x
November 11, 2008

November 06, 2008
during my SIL staying, i'm like..tired..confuse with da menu..try to make everything perfect form them..i want to make my lokong proud of me. so i have to make an effort to impress them. so they wil know their 'baby brother' in a good hand, rite?
this month my bajet is tight as elizabeth tailor skin heheheh...i'm planning a trip to Perlis to fetch my brother. alhamdulillah, now he finish his study. i'm hoping he has a bright future although next year world will be facing recess. he too will be staying with me and take partime. at least he can save money and gather experience before entering to 'real life' working hell. (try to boost his self-esteem).
emmm..still confusing. what to cook today? and what to serve for this afternoon tea? maybe i'll grab something at da store..some cake maybe..biscutt..fruit..etc. oh, i have to fold piling of clothes tonite..duhhhh!
p/s: dont take a note for grammatical error, cik F :P
November 05, 2008

WASHINGTON – His name etched in history as America's first black president, Barack Obama turned from the jubilation of victory to the sober challenge of leading a nation worried about economic crisis, two unfinished wars and global uncertainty.
"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep," Obama cautioned.
Young and charismatic but with little experience on the national level, Obama smashed through racial barriers and easily defeated Republican John McCain to become the first African-American destined to sit in the Oval Office, America's 44th president. He was the first Democrat to receive more than 50 percent of the popular vote since Jimmy Carter in 1976.
"It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America," Obama told a victory rally of 125,000 people jammed into Chicago's Grant Park.
Obama scored an Electoral College landslide that redrew America's political map. He won states that reliably voted Republican in presidential elections, like Indiana and Virginia, which hadn't supported the Democratic candidate in 44 years. Ohio and Florida, key to Bush's twin victories, also went for Obama, as did Pennsylvania, which McCain had deemed crucial for his election hopes.
With just 76 days until the inauguration, Obama is expected to move quickly to begin assembling a White House staff and selecting Cabinet nominees.
Campaign officials said Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel was the front-runner to be Obama's chief of staff. The advisers spoke on a condition of anonymity because the announcement had not yet been made.
Obama's victory was sweetened by Democratic gains in both houses of Congress. In the Senate, Democrats ousted Republicans Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina and John Sununu of New Hampshire and captured seats held by retiring GOP senators in Virginia, New Mexico and Colorado. Democrats scored big gains in the House, as well.
When Obama and running mate Joe Biden take their oath of office on Jan. 20, Democrats will control both the White House and Congress for the first time since 1994.
"It is not a mandate for a party or ideology but a mandate for change," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said: "Tonight the American people have called for a new direction. They have called for change in America."
After the longest and costliest campaign in U.S. history, Obama was propelled to victory by voters dismayed by eight years of George W. Bush's presidency and deeply anxious about rising unemployment and home foreclosures and a battered stock market that has erased trillions of dollars of savings for Americans.
Six in 10 voters picked the economy as the most important issue facing the nation in an Associated Press exit poll. None of the other top issues — energy, Iraq, terrorism and health care — was selected by more than one in 10. Obama has promised to cut taxes for most Americans, get the United States out of Iraq and expand health care, including mandatory coverage for children.
Obama acknowledged that repairing the economy and dealing with problems at home and overseas will not happen quickly. "We may not get there in one year or even in one term," he said. "But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there."
McCain conceded defeat shortly after 11 p.m. EST, telling supporters outside the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, "The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly."
"This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and the special pride that must be theirs tonight," McCain said. "These are difficult times for our country. And I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face."
Obama faces a staggering list of problems, and he mentioned some of them in his victory speech. "Even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century." He spoke of parents who worry about paying their mortgages and medical bills.
"There will be setbacks and false starts," Obama said. "There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as president. And we know the government can't solve every problem."
The son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, the 47-year-old Obama has had a startlingly rapid rise, from lawyer and community organizer to state legislator and U.S. senator, now just four years into his first term. He is the first senator elected to the White House since John F. Kennedy in 1960.
Bush called Obama with congratulations at 11:12 p.m. EST. "I promise to make this a smooth transition," the president said. "You are about to go on one of the great journeys of life. Congratulations and go enjoy yourself." He invited Obama and his family to visit the White House soon.
Bush planned to make a statement about the election at mid-morning Wednesday in the Rose Garden.
With most U.S. precincts tallied, the popular vote was 51.9 percent for Obama and 46.8 percent for McCain. But the count in the Electoral College was lopsided in Obama's favor over McCain — 349 to 147 as of early Wednesday, with four states still to be decided. Those were North Carolina, Georgia and Missouri.
Obama won California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.
McCain had Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. He also won at least 3 of Nebraska's five electoral votes, with the other two in doubt.
Almost six in 10 women supported Obama nationwide, while men leaned his way by a narrow margin, according to interviews with voters. Just over half of whites supported McCain, giving him a slim advantage in a group that Bush carried overwhelmingly in 2004.
The results of the AP survey were based on a preliminary partial sample of nearly 10,000 voters in Election Day polls and in telephone interviews over the past week for early voters.
In terms of turnout, America voted in record numbers. Preliminary projections, based on 83 percent of the country's precincts tallied, indicate that more than 131 million Americans will have voted this year, easily outdistancing 2004's 122.3 million, which had been the highest grand total of voters before. That puts the 2008 turnout rate of eligible voters around 64 percent, experts said.
October 31, 2008

antara kaum Adam yang datang. Pak Imam yg hujung skali..

sila..sila..jamulah selera, jgn malu2..kalu malu nnt lapar.
Makan time!!!
nape amek gambo byk2? sebnonya nk bls dendam sb time jamuan raye UPE dulu, sekeping pon x de gambo section kami nie..maklumlah aras bwh tanah, Admin/ICT terlupa kot yg kami ni wujud?!
October 29, 2008
October 28, 2008
eiiii...eiiii...eiiii...malunya...sob...sob..sob..rasa cam nk nangis..malu sungguh..tu le dok gelak2 kan si sno kodoks lastweek..disweek haku pulok yg kene.tu lah gatai sgt nk naik scooter g psr mlm , ha kan dh 'kemaluan' hahahahha..
mlm ahad tu si Oya nk p borong kain tudung so beria2lah minah tu ajak g naik kete dia tp haku degil nk naik scooter gan Adik je lah yg naik 'kuning' tu..dat nite haku pakai blaus batik warne purple. ala yg bli gan si "Nyah Kecoh" tu sonok sgt nk naik scooter haku terlupa sesuatu. then 'sesuatu' itulah yg terjadi, ampessss!
lokong haku ni bole tahan gak drive laju, so Oya follow kt blkg. then while i'm enjoying my view frm da sit suddenly "whosshhhhh"..blaus haku tersingkap maut nye until u can see da "bikini line"(stop that giggling sno)..kelam kabut haku tarik blk..Ya Allah, baru je lps overtake sorang mat rempit ..masyaAllah, tentu dia nampk..malunya..malunya...malunya!
sampai je kt destinasi cepat2 haku soal bdk berdua tu..ade nmpk x? tgk2,dorang pon blum abeh gelak kan haku lg...cehhh,ampessss! sambil gelak2 Adik kate "Ala, kami je yg nmpk sb 'kuning' follow u rapat muahahahha...' sambil sambung gelak lg..haku luku gak minah nie kang.elooo..jln tu 2 lorong tau..tentu lorong yg lg 1 pon bole nmpk, arghhhhhhh!
bile haku ngadu gan lokong,
"Dah tau nk naik scooter sape soh pki bj tuh"
haku gak yg kene blk!
p/s: sno, jgn nk guling2 gelak kan haku tau..October 24, 2008
October 23, 2008

October 21, 2008
bergambo depan gerai kami yg x MASUK LANGSUNG dlm intranet UPE,heran kami smua nie x JELITA cam PFI?TENAGA?FIC?
tema gerai raya kami si coklat/gold..cun x? even x menang pon, kami tetap berusaha namun bkn reseki. x kisah beb, janji hepi! (hepi ke haku aritu?)
makanan yg sungguh enak2 belaka..gerai kami menyediakan "Roti Jala Dendang Perantau" dan "Murtabak Lebaran". oleh kerana dis 1 insiden, selera haku mati terus. My fav food pon haku x sentuh!
Moral of da Story:
bagi haku lebey baik wat kt seksyen sendiri, lagi FUN n PUeh ATI dpt mkn smua kan Kak Ani? bile wat kt seksyen memasing nie kite lg kenai org2 yg seOffice n dimana mereka berada. tingkat 1 ke..2 ke..3 ke..lobi ke..muahahah
October 20, 2008
Hati Keronyok
Sabtu lps haku dok tulung Mck kt sri gombak wat open house..kira2 haku nie 2nd chef arr..tulung msk menu aritu..letey mmg letey siot tp ok lah pueh ati dpt tulung org. Dlm kol 6 baru le haku beredar..sbenornya open hous tu until 10 pm kot? Tp haku dh x bole tunggu..lama siot tingaikan lokong..kang melalak pulok mamat tu pg tu haku dh bekalkan nasi grg kampung bwk g opis. Tp iutu ALASAN SIVIK jek, sebnornya syg nk tingai lokong lelama...windu. kuang3x
Blk ke ptj haku di temani sepupu, anak Mck tu ler. Tumpang haku blk sb same area. Dia student kt UNITEN. At least bole wat teman ‘bergossip’ dlm kete..ilang boring kan? Then ade 1 cite sedey yg wat haku terpk n wat kami rasa terharu sgt. Ni smua si Intan tu le dok cite wat happen during last raye. Kt kg kami tu we hv 5 niece yg comei2 blka. Along, Angah, Achik,Ayie n cousin name Ilham.Along, Angah n Achik nie siblings. Adik2 haku mmg giler dgn bdk2 nie..maklumlah dorang blum dpt anak sedara lg kan..iskkk..iskkk...malangnya, dorang nie mangsa perceraian ayah ibu. Sib baik akak sepupu kami ni tingai gan parent, ringan gak le beban yg dia tanggung. And she is amazing, stronger to face it alone. We are proud of her. Even dorang dh bercerai tp hubungan dia gan inlaw msh baik. So, every free time ibu dorang ni bwk melawat grandparent yg lg 1.
Tp kami jd heran sb si Angah ni x ikot kali ini. Dia dok ngekor atuk n nenek g beraya umah sedara mara dgn selambanya. So, paklong dia pon 'soal siasat' what really hapen. Ikuti perbualan mereka:
Paklong: Angah nape x ikot ibu blk J21, ikot along n achik beraya umah atok n nenek?
Angah: hati angah keroyok.
Paklong: Keroyok? apa tu?
Angah: Paklong g amek kertas.
Paklong pon amek kertas. Mana lah tau angah nk tulis pe2 kan..pas amek kertas paklong pon serahkan pada Angah. Lantas Angah mengeroyokkan kertas kosong di dpn paklong.
Paklong: Angah nape wat gitu?
Angah: hati angah keroyok cam kertas tu le..
Sob..sob..sob..sedey haku. Baru 8thn tp cam dh matured. Mungkin sb ayah dia ade time raye tu yg dia x mo blk sana. Menyampah ? Saket ati? Geram? tp selalunya anak2 x pandai nk luahkan perasaan mereka. Penderitaan mereka. Mereka menjadi mangsa. Mereka jd pemerhati,melihat kelakuan orang dewasa yg berperangai kebudak-budakan lebih dr anak2 itu sendiri. bila haku cite mende kt Adik, bergenang air mata minah songeh tu..yolah, bdk2 tu membesar dlm jagaan dia (baby sitter) so sket2 tau pe yg mereka hadapi.

Si Achik tu haku panggil domoks sb, look like pic nie..then u knw y i call him dat hehehehh
nntla haku post gambo baru si achik tuh..otoman dinaaaaa!!! (trademark domoks)
October 17, 2008 le layout baru blog haku tau...tergiliat otak haku sat tgk comand blog nie..1-1 kene cek bior betoi..kang salah comand, len pulok yg kuar kuang3x! what all of u think of it? simple je bab babies kt atas tu, mmg x bole nk ubah..that my 'priority' skang, 'they' come 1st muahahhah..usaha kan tangga kejayan, x gitu kak ena kodoks?
ofice cam biasa, ala-ala serangan garuda..slow n easy sb RMK9 nearly finish kan..tingai saki baki argument gan Kementerian je pon x ramai staff..11 org je..4 staff..korang bayangkanlah..sunyi sepi kecoli kami dh boring giler..ha, mase tu mmg gelak sakan arr..wat lawak bodo utk lwn mengantuk..aik, jgn kate kami 'mengulur' je for 8 hrs ye..time bz mmg x cukup tangan n kaki..but that time udah berlalu..pasni time RMK10 pulok..under our new PRIME MINISTER..UPE akan kembali 'bergegar' cam dulo..smua mata lebam2 x cukup tido wat paper..stayback kt upis..stayback kt PNB..stress..more tension..uuuuhh, time tu cam kt medan perang je..smua nk cepat n tepat..upper boss pon dok maki hamun je lah kan..when upper stress, tempias pon kene lah kt seksyen..but still, WE SERVE for RAKYAT..neverless.

"wat pe taip panjang2? make it short n simple.."
but haku dh try to make it short n simple...but I cant! sb keje haku mmg merapu2 tahap siluman Jie Fat hehehhe..kalu tgh ade idea tu cam surat kabar utusan le..time x cukup mase, cam memo kecik je lah..ehehheheheh
p/s: kak ena kodoks, awat x update? hang pon dh tiru style cik F ke?
October 16, 2008

ni gambo mase kami celeb jamuan raya kt upis. haku tgh bergambo dgn wining team..ala, kak ena kodoks nye team menang no 2, gerai satay n kek's..haku bukak gerai roti jala dendang perantau n murtabak lebaran. abeh siot..kitaorg lelong..amek 1 percuma 4..muahahahha. colour theme for ouf gerai is COKLAT tetap x menang pe2 pon..x pelah geng, janji kite decorate gak gerai..kalah menang adat itu cuma pertandingan suka2..lantoklah!
baru lps on da phone gan my mum..bingit tinga..bebel psl haku n Adam..x elok lah gaduh adik beradik..jgn keras sgt ler..terpaksa ke amek Adam kt perlis..bla..bla..bla..naik darah haku jap last2 haku kate x mo bincang topik Adam Kodam nie..kang haku jd anak durhaka pulok bcoz of him so better change subject len..lega! n till now ayat power from mum tu tergiang2 dlm otak kunin haku nie..'mkn dlm' siottt....."KITA ORG X PENAH HALANG AKAK PILIH ABG AS HER HUSBAND, SO WHY AKAK NK HALANGN PILIHAN KAMI PULOK?"..cemaner tuh? maleh nk terangkan kt dorang, psl pe haku x suka pilihan dorang..bkn X SUKA, tp x senang ati je..yg sorang pilih anak org kaya..yg sorang pilih under-age..bile problem berlaku, parent akan refer haku (as 1st born)..pening pala nk pk mslh sblm prob itu berlaku, haku tentang le dulu kan? tp after what they said about me kt atas tuh..lantok korang lah..akak dh x mo campur, that ur life now..lebey baik haku bz with my life..lg pon smua ade degree so IQ lebey tinggi dr haku kan? lu pk lah sendiri....
baik haku pening pk psl rumah yg dibeli taun lps..x naik2 lg bumbung yg riso nie..kot2 kang terbengkalai, sape yg susah? akakkkk jugak kan? gambo tu kak ena kodoks yg amek..dia kan minah photoshot..kt mane2 pon boleh amek shot..hahahahah..nk kene kompol duit tuk rumah baru nie...mcm2..maklumlah haku ni bkn kaya raya pon..cukup2 mkn, so kene lah simpan duit sket2..stop buying enitin from da katalog kan bra dlm avon tu smua cantik2 n tgh turun rega, cemane tuh? pastu kaler set tupperware tu cantekkkk sgt..whole set pulok tuh..itu blum brg2 cosway lg..keneneng haku dibuatnya muahahhahah...
ni pulok 'anak angkat' kitaorg, si Qistina Amani..cute sgt tau..pipi laboh, geram haku nk kan kak ena kodok tuh lg suka geget2 manusia nie..hahahahha..comei tp cenggeng..sensitip cam Mama dia tuh hah..asek nangis je..kalu nangis tu, mak kene cubit je..nangis sekuat ati..naik takot haku aritu..jap nangis,jap ok..seram mak anak orang tetap anak orang (la bonda nie, sape kate Qiss anak alien kan?) 'produk' haku n lokong x kuar lg..produk of SS..tengah tunggu turn dr heaven tu nk g kt bonda n i'm a big sensitive about babies nie..if enibodi Q me with that topic, sory to say that i will ignore 100% like a deaf person..soo sory, so eni 1 outhere..stay out frm that perimeter k!
p/s: bile nk diet nie? tulun..tulun..tulunnnnn
October 08, 2008

p/s: nnt haku update psl raye k?
September 29, 2008
29hb- lg 1 ari nk raye..but i'm still at da office. doing noting..walk noting..just staring at da clock..that keep on ticking slowly. y? yep, jg penunggu kt taun lps..nape? sb taun nie giliran lokong nyer kg..haku x bape suke blk JB. mati kutu..smuanya berat mulot.kalu kg haku tuh..sah2 smua cam bertih jagung..non-stop pot pet pot pet. kronies smua dh blk kg memasing..Mama Qiss tu coti lama siot, nearly 15 days. stat 25hb. sib baik bos kasi, kalu idok..meraung le hang dok windu kt anak heheheh..smlm tepon kak ena kodoks tuh, demam upenye otai kesyg haku..sok sek sok sempat lg wat kuih tuh, ampesss!
haku nk p post ofice nie..tingai sowang2 itu lah keroje baru je blk dr tesco pchng, bli brg umah..time tu 2 officer ade..dia orglah jaga opis jap. ni tingai haku sorang blk..meting dorang gan menteri pon abeh kol 4.30(janji melayu) silap2 sampai 6 ptg..angin je lah KPP(P) haku tu muahahah..sebnornya haku nk post kad raye. last week sempat send kt sedara mara je,so arini nk anto yg kengkawan nyer..lantoklah sampai bile kan..raye sbulan iye dok?
kami blk JB mlm nie kot..around 2 a.m..yes, monin tau..itupon haku rengek2 x mo blk pg2 bute kt lokong tp dek kerana itu tanah tumpah darah dia kan..kene le turutkan arahan, kang menderhaka syok gak blk pg2 bute gitu..sejuk..x jem..bole mkn2..sahur kt R&R ke..kalu blk siang ari, sah2 x bole minum segala kan..muahahahah..haku dh siap bli kudapan utk bekalan perjalanan pg karang, canttekkkkk...
taun ni family haku pon blk raye ke-2 bole lah beraya umah "nyai"..salam raye gan uncle's n untie's smua..jumpa sepupu sepapat smua..dlm family abah tu, haku le 'top leader' sb 1st born frm 1st born son..paham? kira powerlah..even haku ade sepupu yg lebey tua tp oleh kerana rangking abah yg teratas so haku pon dptlah tempias heheheh..anak2 dorang pon kene panggil haku 'wak',eiiiii...x berkenan teman tau!
persiapan raya taun nie ala kadar je..lokong x mo bli bj raye..pakai yg lama je..cuma kain pelekat je yg baru. haku? 2 psg je..maleh nk pk sb blk JB. peduli hape kan? haku x mo beraya sakan then after raya mkn maggie..smua kene catu. lebey baik catu skang supaya after raya x 'saket' sgt kan? haku byk bli brg time mega sale aritu..h/bag,kasut,make up..less 50%-70%..biskut2 pon bli 3 jenis je..lokong bli kerepek..taun ni Oya yg sponsor bj raye family her turn..after this Adam pulok..then Adik pulok..bile memasing dh keje, lepas le duty haku as Big Sister..taun ni duit raye pon hanya tuk family shj..haku nk kene berjimat cermat..taun dpn umah siap, insyaAllah..tentu nk pki duit kan? jd taun nie biorlah bersederhana in every ways..
buat pembaca blog haku nie (kalu ade lah..) selamat sambot raye.ati2 memandu.maaf zahir n batin.
September 11, 2008
emmm...salam smua, haku dh kene 'virus' si snocute tu..dia dh tepek blk entry tuk blog..urbanwitch u hv to read our blog ha ha ha...baru tau pe yg berlaku kt mesia nie kan? agaknya pe kabo ler geng2 lama dlm blog nie? kot2 bace lg ke x?
tp x pe lah..haku akan try update if i hv free time left k?
adios smua