when thinking about age rite now, i need to read 'heavy reading' for knowledge ( I know Urban...i know duhhh)..just read for the 'thirsty brain'(i dun think sooo..) emmm, i promise- 1 books 4 1 month, hepi??
punyalah gigantic dis clam but funny thing is, i only get 1 small2 bowl...cetttt! mane cukup kan? but at least ade gak reseki kami that nite..lokong terus soh msk nasi n i fried that clam using 'campak2 bhn' method hehehhehe...abeh 1 pot nasi lokong bantai sowang2, haku just ratah2 je (ratah ke?hihihihi)
p/s: dis bz june for us..dis week nk p genting amek Adam then next week nk p Kedah n Perak lak, very da very da...
oo tu namanya lokam er?.. lokam ke lokan?.. apo2 yolah.. ngape laki n mak aku asek nk mkn siput sedut je ar?!.. tak jemu2 ke dorang neh?!.. ayooo!...
arghh, lantoklah ejaann yer chikmin..janji bunyi agak2 serupa hahahha
laki ko mmg le suka mkn siput, itu sebahagian dr 'latihan' muahahhah..
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