> haku dh tgk nie..

mlm td haku detin gan lokong tgk cite best nie ha..tp sepatutnya release time father's day, baru kene beb! g lah nonton..then korang tentu lebey syg ayah/abah/papa/dady korang seyyyy..
> i cant wait to see..20/11/09

oh jacob..fall for me pls..fall for me arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! kak ena kodok jgn x jd sudaaa ek..haku bako UKAS tu nnt!
> haku ngidam nk mkn nie...

perghhhh...sedap giler sambal hati nie siottt (sendirik masak sendirik puji, kelassss)tp x campur tempoyak sb lokong x suke (just imegen if i put it...sepiok nasi pon x cukup)
>membesar bagai 'johan'

skang mulot dh bising tp ckp style jepun.. sepatah haram haku x phm hehehhe. aritu mama dia bwk p ofis..dh besor anak dara jihan ek, bile nk terima menantu?? hahahahhaa...
p/s: awat x bule bukak blog ko Juls? pe lg yg ko modified to minah oiii...